Graduate Support Program

Brooklyn Jesuit Prep continues its commitment to the education of its graduates through its Graduate Support Program.

BJP’s Graduate Support Program is designed to ensure that graduates successfully complete high school and prepare themselves for college.  The program partners with  parents of our graduates to ensure stability, accountability and motivation for students once they leave BJP. 

The Graduate Support Director communicates regularly with guidance counselors or other appropriate personnel of area high schools that BJP graduates attend.  The Director makes regular visits to the high school to meet with school personnel and the graduates in person.  The Director ensures that students tap into appropriate resources available at their high schools especially if a student needs academic or other support.  

The Director supported by BJP administrators and other BJP faculty maintains close contact with all graduates through social events, emails, Facebook and personal meetings. The Graduate Support Program helps graduates to prepare for the SAT and organizes programs to prepare graduates for the college application process.

Where necessary, Brooklyn Jesuit Prep provides high school tuition assistance.

How volunteering has helped BJP!


The Director of Graduate Support provides robust support to our students and graduates as they apply to high school, attend high school, and beyond.


Graduates become members of a tight-knit, ever-growing network of BJP alums who keep in touch and help one another.

Giving Back

Our graduates regularly come back to BJP for visits and to volunteer or mentor students, helping to give a new generation the life-changing education they received.

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